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  • Preferred option
    Pay In Full$1500.00
  • Preferred option
    Payment Plan2x $750.00
  • Preferred option
    Extended Payment Plan ($500.00/mnth)3x $500.00

Create Your Dream Offer mini course for only $67 (AUD)

Don't have an existing offer to sell, or feel like it needs work? Inside this short course, you will build an offer that you have absolute clarity and confidence in - the perfect recipe for Action Takers. 

Usually $97 USD, that's over half off - only available here. 

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal

A six-week group cohort for future course creators who are ready to start taking action and reap the rewards of a successful launch.

NEXT COHORT DATES: 29 July - 6 Sept 2024


Weekly group coaching call x 6

Private kickstart call to map out your launch plan

Voice messaging + text support for coaching in-between calls 

Personalised feedback on all your launch assets

Training and templates when you need them

  • Total payment
  • 1xAction Takers$0

All prices in AUD

Jodine McIntyre
Social Media Coach

“Before signing up for Action Takers I had launched my membership a few times but I always felt like I wasn't doing as well as I could and I also had a habit of losing momentum. Lou's programme was exactly what I needed! It was a push to keep moving, advice on what to do next, someone to review all my launch assets and someone to turn to when it got difficult.
With Action Takers I had my most successful launch ever, doubling both my membership and my monthly recurring revenue for my business. I highly recommend Action Takers for anyone who is ready to level up their launches!”

Chloe Johnson
eCommerce Marketing Coach

“Before Action Takers, I was constantly putting off my launch because I wanted to have my course created first. But as I continued to onboard more 1:1 clients, that goal was getting further and further away. Action Takers was exactly what I needed to finally make it happen.
Within 6 weeks, I had run my first Masterclass and launched my online course which resulted in 11 students. This was a huge buzz and I'm even more motivated to create a killer course that's going to get my students amazing results. I couldn't have done it without Lou's support and all of her amazing templates and checklists which helped fast track the entire process.
If you're constantly putting off your launch, Action Takers is exactly what you need.”
